
    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • ZZZ_future
    • None
    • rmr
    • None
    • RMR proxy in multi-process pods

      some xApps are heavily using multiple processes. Each process acts as a client towards teh routing manager. This creates a lot of load.

      The idea here is to implement some kind of proxy that acts as single contact twoards the routing managers and fans out all data received from it to teh other processes.

      Theoretically some shared memory approach is possible, but maybe not desirable from failure/cleanup perspective. Though since we have a single writer, and as long as we can implement readers in way that they do not get confused by updates without having to use locks (and the related lock cleanup) that's also an option.

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            MattiHiltunen Matti Hiltunen
            czichy Thoralf Czichy
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