• Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • NONRTRIC Maint. Rel-H

      The problem that we saw today is explain in Henrik's documentation:

      After all branches are created, the documentation, ReadTheDocs, need to be updated for the release branches with the following steps: 

      In the “nonrtric” repo, create a release branch if it has not been created.  

      In the “nonrtric” repo on the release branch, update the “docs/conf.py” file with the release branch names for the released products, see commit with branch updates. Commit and push. When this is merged it will create the documentation for the release branch. 

      For each released product; on the release branch, update the “docs/conf.py” file with the release branch name. Commit and push. 

      Gerrit Code Review

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            ktimoney Kevin Timoney
            estsonsan Sonia Sangari
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